
Two days to Darwin: reaching the tropical capital

Karlu Karlu

After my magical experience of journeying to the heart of Australia, my thoughts turned northwards. My research had thrown up some spots which I was keen to visit on the way to Darwin, the capital city of the Northern Territory,…
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Stars, sand and solitude: a journey to the heart of Australia

Uluru Central Australia

With my farmwork finished and my second Working Holiday Visa safely granted, it was time to hit the road again, and this time I had something totally different in mind; heading away from the beaches and into the outback of…
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Beach, booze and barbecues: spending Christmas in Australia

Christmas in Australia Byron Bay solo travel

As I sit in my attic room in Leeds in the north of England, bundled up in multiple layers and listening to the pelting of freezing raindrops on the skylight, preparing for my first Christmas in the UK for several…
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How to see the Great Ocean Road without a car

Great Ocean Road Without A Car

Australia is a place where it helps to have a car to get around; the distances between sights can be massive, and public transport can be sparse. However, as someone who is a nervous driver, but who also much prefers…
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The Bumblefuck Chronicles, part 2: onions, backpacker wine, and an unexpected winter

farmwork australia working holiday visa 88 days working hostel

I seem to begin every post now with an apology for my absence. My excuse this time is a mixture of failing technology, farmwork, a few weeks of distraction in hiking and crocodile-spotting in the Northern Territory, a busy but…
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The Bumblefuck Chronicles, part 1: How NOT to do your 88 days of farmwork

88 days rural farm work Australia second year visa

Reader. Hello. Thank you for still being here. It’s been a while, once again. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you may recall that in April I went off on a mission to find that elusive 88…
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Broke in Brisbane; or, how I didn’t give up on my Working Holiday Visa

Brisbane solo travel Working Holiday Visa Australia

Reader, it’s been a while. Hello. I’ll start by apologising for the silence, and the massive chunk of my South East Asian story that’s still missing from the blog. I’m working on it. The past five months have simply been…
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